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Room Booking - VR Lab

Book a timeslot with one of the (VIVE Cosmos) virtual reality stations in the VR Lab.


What type of VR Lab bookings are available?

  • Basic Support (VR Station #1) - this type of booking is primarily a “self-service” booking for those who are familiar with VR and/or comfortable navigating the system using the VR Lab User Guide. Troubleshooting support is available if needed via the Library Service Desk.
  • Advanced Support (VR Station #2) - this type of booking is suitable for those who are not familiar with VR and would like more advanced support in using the technology.


Who can book a virtual reality station?

  • Use of the VR equipment is prioritized for MRU students and employees.
  • Non-MRU community members (including alumni) may access the VR Lab on Community Access Day, space permitting.

The VR Lab contains specialized technology, equipment and software, and is not meant to be used as a group meeting room; users not using the space for its intended purpose will be asked to leave and prevented from booking in the future.

  • Food and drink are not permitted within the VR Lab.
  • Remain within the designated virtual reality area during your session.
  • Leave the door to the space open at all times.
  • Adhere to any instructions and supports posted within the VR Lab.
  • Only one person per station per booking (to enable greater accessibility one support person is permitted during bookings).
  • You may not download content on your own, instead connect with Maker and Media Commons staff or use the Recommend a Purchase form on the library website.

For inquiries contact Alieka Rudder, Manager, Maker and Media Commons.


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